Thursday, February 09, 2006

New Mothers Discussion Group - Feb. - May 2006

New Mothers Discussion Group

New mothers and their infants, birth to 12 months, are invited to attend these monthly meetings. The goal of this program is to give new mothers information to enrich their parenting skills and an opportunity to meet other new mothers. Each meeting will feature a speaker who will lead a discussion on a topic of interest to new mothers. There is always an opportunity for questions and group discussion.

All meetings will be held at The Katonah Village Library at 10 a.m. on the dates listed below. For information call Vicki Ingrassia at 232-3508 at the Library.

Learning to Talk
March 3, 2006, Friday

Language development begins at birth. Your infant's crying, cooing, babbling all lead to the day she/he will say their first words. Dr. Pike will discuss language development during the first year and show you ways of interacting with your baby that will stimulate language growth.

Presented by Dr. Susan Pike who is a pediatic speech-language pathologist with certification from the American Speech-Hearing Language Association. Dr. Pike has recently published a book called Talk Me Into It: Preparing Children for School Success Through Language.

April 7, 2006, Friday

What New Parents Need to Know About Wills
May 5, 2006, Friday

This program will give you useful information about wills with emphasis on the importance of Guardians and Executors for families with young children.

Presented by Carolyn Harting, Attorney-at-Law, who has a private practice in Bedford Village which specializes in Estate Law.